Do your Apps make you happy?

By this point, most of us are familiar with the myriad of ways in which we can #sparkjoy in our lives with Marie Kondo. But what kind of joy -- or depression -- do we get from apps on our smartphones?

Google set out to tackle this very question with its latest Think With Google study. They found that people tend to agree on the kinds of apps that have a positive affect on their well beings -- health and fitness apps, and learning/education apps, for instance -- but spend the least amount of time interacting with these. Per Google:

"Generally, we found that people more often spend time on activities they believe have a negative impact on their wellbeing,  and less often spend time on activities with a positive impact."

Suffice it to say, I am INCREDIBLY pleased with my app usage after reading this study. While I tend to save my educational experiences for my desktop, my most often-used apps are CNN, The Economist, Kindle, Noom, and Streaks (a daily habit tracker).

So, the question becomes: where do YOU stack up? Are you using the happiness-inducing apps, or are your apps potentially having a negative impact on your life?

Read the full study to review all of the app categories here.

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